There’s been another update! Update 10.7.42 is now available. It seems there are updates for everything no matter where you turn. IPhone, Android, Facebook, Twitter and many others are constantly making programs run better for us.
Twitter recently released an update that allows their messaging service easier to access on mobile devices. Users had to navigate through the “Me” screen to open messages previously. Now, it is displayed in the navigation bar at the bottom of the home screen. In addition, users can also send or view photos in direct messages. Photos can also be viewed on a computer on the Twitter homepage. Swiping is also now available in the app! A user can start on the Home page and swipe to the Discover page with ease.
Many social networking companies are trying to eliminate the time people spend using other chatting applications by making theirs easier to use. Applications like SnapChat, WhatsApp and WeChat are drawing many users. Facebook has recently updated their messaging system so that users do not need to be friends in order to chat. Each chatting update optimizes the particular network even further.
With so many devices available to us, it’s no wonder there are so many updates. Users can change between their cell phone, tablet and computer with ease. These chatting applications are often available on tablets in addition to cell phones so users can stay consistently connected. Users can chat with their friends and family regardless of location or device used. There are even apps that form chat conversations with strangers – connecting us further. In-app notifications let you know the second someone has messaged you back or posted on your wall or liked your tweet.
I remember when the six degrees of separation rule seemed it could not possibly be true. There are just too many people in the world. Social networking websites are showing us just how connected we all are. You can easily see how you are connected to a complete stranger. In a sense, these applications are bringing us closer together. You have the opportunity to reach out and connect with someone you may not be able to spend much time physical with. We never have to say goodbye to our friends.
If you need help optimizing your business on Twitter or Facebook, our team is here to answer your questions and to help get you started. Just give us a call at 800-399-2001.
-Lydia Davis